Monday, December 14, 2009

Watch out for the doggie doo!

I work at a vet... so putting dogs down doesn't really get to me that much anymore. In the last 4 days, though, two of my favorite regular patients have gone off to doggy heaven. I guess it's good to know I'm still human and have a heart. It's just odd to me how much they affected me. The first was on Friday and was the dog of my pre-school teacher who I played with when I was little. The second happened about an hour ago. Poor little dog never regained consciousness after its surgery. In truth, she would have died in a couple of months anyway because we were taking biopsies of potential intestinal cancer... but it was still really sad and I still felt really bad calling up the owners so the doctor could tell them the bad news. I feel like the "circle of life" from the lion king should be playing in the background.

On a happier note... my dog Doodle was all dressed up as ginger bread pup the other day...

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